Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Saigon Scooter Chaos

No stoplights or signs, constant moving traffic, and pedestrians do NOT have the right of way.

The secret is a steady pace, eye contact, and slight oblivion and disregard for your own life.

BTW, it's great to see Californians (aka militant pedestrians) in Asia bark at the cars/scooters about their complete lack of regard towards pedestrians. This happens once - then they nearly get steamrolled and they quickly learn to pipe down and stay out of the way.


Unknown said...

Awesome videos. I would have expected the horns in these intersections to be cacophonous. Instead, I would bet a New York intersection (where there are supposedly "rules" regarding traffic) is much noisier. Or am I crazy?

The Dew Girl said...

No, they beep constantly, the video doesn't do it justice.

As in, they have one finger on the horn at all times.

docbbauer said...

I think I see Brian Wallace in the Scooter photo... He's the one in the armani jacket and the shorts...

I 'm trying to imagine what the sound of 10,000 scooters is... Sweet fancy Moses

Suciu-er said...

Use cacophonous when discordant just won't do... well done Johnny C. Great video!