Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Smartest Kids in the World?

After seeing this video, you'll agree that these two are at least in the conversation.

Back by popular demand, it's the Justice's!

We visited our friends Tom and Tina Justice in the Detroit area for a second time this year (the first time was when Jeff was there for the Final 4 in March). It was really great to see them again. We are trying to figure out a way to stay on schedule and visit every quarter now.

We have some video that was taken of their son Andrew and their daughter Katherine after the first visit.

As you will see with this video, these kids are wise and insightful beyond their years. We were lucky that they had the time to shoot this video between Junior Mensa meetings, Coolest-Kids-in-Michigan functions, etc.

Don't be afraid to turn up the volume so you don't miss any of the astute commentary.

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