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Next stop AZ: Phoenix, Tucson, and Safford
Shortly thereafter: UT, CO, WY, SD, NM
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Notes and photos from the road starting June 1, 2008
1 comment:
when you hit tucson find serge van trap at the sound factory., 2519 e campbell st., http://www.soundfactory.org/ buy choice of acid jazz and some trance burns. buy small bag of mushroom or medium bag of peyote., tell him you know me to get the real stuff but do not tell him we are good friends or you will get the stuff from the bottom shelf. do not look at his gimpy left hand, he is quite sensitive about it. it he is wearing a mauve eye patch forget the whole thing and come back tomorrow. if somehow you do get bottom shelf baggies do not eat on empty stomach. buy tamales from food cart on south 5th ave., be on the look out for tom laughin from original billy jack. he frequents the street on weekdays and can be trouble if provoked. get dirty mexican limeade from steve on corner at eva's 7087 s sunland gin road.,find sweet sarah on market street and buy 2 handrolled cigars. you will know which ones by sight.
drive to pima.
ingest all.
sit for 24 hrs
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